Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Diet Program- Day two and three

May 12, 2012
It’ s 2nd day of my diet program. Hufftt.. I broke it. Tonight, I had my supper at ten! Two hours late from the due time. Besides, I ate both carbo and protein in my supper, because I had them together with some friends of mine, and because I was starving. It’s tiring the whole day.
Yet, I keep doing twenty sit ups before I sleep, and I don’t give in yet. Tomorrow I’ll go for my diet program again. Again and again, since I want to see the slim Tyas. Moreover, today I felt that I was getting chubbier. My cheeks seem bigger than I used to have. It adds more reasons to me struggling to lose my weight. There’re still enough time to do it, insyaAllah. So, be prepared to fight more, honey!
May 13, 2012
You know what, right now I’m thinking that it’s so amusing to have a journal about my days on diet program. Why? Because I can see when I am done my failure in the first days. I don’t wanna complain about another breaking-the-rule today, as what I did, but I just wanna say to myself, there’s always something to learn when I made mistake. Today, I had lunch in a quite big portion, as I enjoyed eating food at Aceh cuisine stall so badly, and I took a nap when I got home. Two hours length.
I had nothing heavy for my supper, instead. But that’s not only I regretted my disobedient in lunch, also because I felt little bit unwell. So, I just got a glass of milk and some biscuits.
Tomorrow, I hope everything will be better. I am still surviving.  It’s too early to give in. 

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