Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Diet Program- Day Four

May 14, 2012
Today is not bad. I had to skip breakfast since I woke up late this morning, I had lot of vegetables in “lotek” for my lunch, and I ate tofu and eggplant for my supper. They don’t break the rules of food combining, do they? At least, I didn’t eat too much and I could avoid eating “gorengan” and ice cream after school today although I wanted them so bad.
What I think I should fix is my sleep pattern and exercise. I’d like to find some info about the efficient exercise and appropriate sleep pattern to control the increasing of my weight. Besides, I think I need to know more about each food’s calorie. It is what a friend of mine has said, that she controlled her eating by knowing how much the calorie she consumed in each portion.
After all, I think I have to manage my time very well. So that I can use my energy efficiently and prevent fat accumulated in my body. Hehe.. keep on spirit! ^_^

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